Revisions and upgrades in line for OV Park –

Some of you have perhaps taken notice that the Fox Valley Park District has taken to renovations and upgrading what some of us refer to as “Canterbury Park” – located at the cornet of Canterbury and Deerfield. Contrary to some thoughts, the maintenance and upkeep of this “recreational facility” is – and has been – the responsibility of the Fox Valley Park District – not the OVHA.

Recently, Greg Stevens, Senior Park Planner with the Fox Valley Park District, shared the plans to replace and refurbish within “our” park. His “punch list” of work to be done consists of the following:

  • Replace all metal decks because of safety concerns and delamination
  • Replace ADA transfer station
  • Remove existing plastic roofs and add new roof with updated design
  • Replace all park benches with new benches (slats made from recycled plastics)
  • Replace 10′ high swing frame with new frame with 3 new belt swings and 1 ADA swing
  • Replace 4′ high tube slide with new slide
  • Replace 4′ high double zip slide with new slide
  • Replace worn steering wheel play panel with new telescope enclosure
  • Replace crawl tube and panels with new
  • Replace worn suspension bridge with new
  • Replace two backhoe sand diggers with one new
  • Replace 3 spring animals with one (double) spring animal
  • Add one new whirlwind spinner seat
  • Reaping existing modular structure and bucket swing frame with high performance epoxy paint (three colors)
  • Add ground wear mats under three new belt swings to protect mulch from kick out
  • Freshen up old-mulch with overlay of new mulch

Total cost of replacement parts plus painting = $35,000.00 (labor to dismantle and replace play structure parts is by Park District crews)

Now, the OVHA does not “own” poor “maintain” this park facility. Nonetheless, we contribute some of our property tax dollars to its maintenance and care. The Fox Valley Park District is upgrading and refurbishing “our” park. Refurbishing due to “wear and tear” over time – but also to repair damaged equipment that was simply vandalized. For the we-being of “our” park and its equipment, please, should one witness acts of vandalism to the park, simply call the Aurora Police Department and inform them the park is located at the corner of Canterbury and Deefield in Orchard Valley.

We need to help protect our community’s investment.