Author: AMG Management (Page 10 of 23)

EXTENDED to December 10th Free Fall Leaf Collection

Free Leaf Collection ends December 10th.

Autumn is here and Aurora residents will be able to dispose of their leaves for free as part of Aurora’s Annual Leaf Collection Program.

The free Fall Leaf Collection Program begins Monday, October 18 and originally set to end Friday, December 3 has been extended to December 10th.

Leaves must be put into a 30-gallon paper yard waste bag and placed at the curb on the regular garbage pickup day by 6:00 a.m. No waste sticker is needed.

Trick or Treat Hours

Sunday October 31st from 4 pm – 7 pm


•    Stay home if you’re sick or showing any signs of illness. 

•    Don’t gather in large groups. 

•    Wash hands thoroughly before eating candy

•    Wear a standard mask or face covering. A costume mask is not a substitute or a way to prevent the spread of viruses


•    Keep children home if they are sick or showing any signs of illness 

•    Have children wear a standard mask or face covering. A costume mask is not a substitute or a way to prevent the spread of viruses

•    Wash hands as soon as you return home

•    Inspect candy as usual


•    Do not hand out candy if you are sick or showing any signs of illness. 

•    Consider individual baggies of candy instead of a big bowl

OVHA Oktoberfest Cancelled

Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of our residents, board members, management company and people we come in contact with. We are taking precautions in order to help limit the spread of newest variant of COVID-19 by cancelling this year’s OVHA sponsored Oktoberfest scheduled for October 16, 2021. We appreciate your understanding as we work towards getting this put behind us.

OVHA Picnic in the Park

Picnic in the Park is back! We have moved it to June 19th from Noon til 4pm. The date was changed in order to be held after Illinois reopens and is in Phase 5 with no capacity limits.

Mark your calendars and be sure to RSVP to Alpha Management, 630.892.8823, by June 15th.

Flag Posting Program

American flags will be flying once again in the Orchard Valley subdivision thanks to Troop 11 Scouts and their patriotic sponsors. The boys would be honored to include your home. Two of the troop members are residents of Orchard Valley.
  Please let us know If you would like to subscribe to the service where we post a US flag on the parkway in front of your house on the following holidays: Memorial Day, Flag Day (6/14), Independence Day, and Labor Day.  A Blackhawk Troop 11 scout will place and salute the flag in the morning and retrieve Old Glory before sunset the same day.  We do all the work. All you have to do is watch and enjoy. The subscription service is only $25 for the year.
  This is our only fundraiser. We were able to buy camping equipment with the funds last year. 
If you are interested, click on the link below and follow the steps to purchase by April 30th. All contact information will be confidential and used for posting/collecting flags only. This is the easiest and safest way during this time. 

Yes, I want the service:
We really would prefer for you to use this link for payment, but if you’d rather, a check can be made payable and mailed to: Boy Scout Troop 11 at 14 N. May Street, Aurora, IL 60506
If you have any questions or know of a friend or neighbor who is interested, please contact us by email at
Thank you for your generosity and patriotism. 
Boys of Blackhawk Scout Troop 11 

Note:  All subscriptions are subject to the approval of the Post the Colors Fundraising committee based on established service areas. If outside of a serviceable area, customer has the option to have the flag posted as a group “en masse” outside the Aurora Police Department, convert the sale to a donation, or a refund may be provided.

2021 Spring Fling Cancelled

The Board of Directors has voted to cancel this year’s Spring Fling scheduled for Saturday, April 17, 2021. Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members, management company staff and people we may come in contact with. We are taking precautions to continue limiting the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate your understanding as we appear to be starting to put this behind us .

We look forward to hopefully being able to have the Picnic in the Park this year.

We continue to ask all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines as recommended.

Vote on April 6th

A reminder that April 6th is Election Day for a variety of races that affect the 5th ward. Early voting is happening now at the Vaughan Athletic Center.

If you are unable to get transportation to vote on the 6th, please feel free to call me for a ride. I will be available that day until 1:00.

As I mentioned in the past, our ward typically has the highest voter turnout. That’s something to be proud of but we need to continue with that. Voting makes a difference.

Yard Waste Pick Up

from Alderman Carl Franco:

Yard waste pick-up without the need for stickers begins on April 5th and runs through April 16th. Thereafter stickers will be needed.

Also, bundled brush pick-up starts on April 5th. Bundled brush must be 1/2 to 4 inches in diameter and 2 to 4 feet in length. Bundled brush will be picked up through early November.

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