Author: AMG Management (Page 12 of 23)

OV Neighborhood Clean-Up Day 9/5

A clean-up day will take place on Saturday, September 5th from 8am – 11am for Orchard Valley and residents of the 5th Ward North of West Galena Blvd. Trash compactor trucks will be placed at Deerfield Drive and Canterbury Road.

Acceptable items: building materials, empty or dried out paint cans, discarded furniture, large & small household appliances, carpet and pads, grills, wood, metal, old toys, bicycles, mattresses & similar items.

Peddlers and Solicitors

Alderman Carl Franco: Back in March when the state of emergency was declared, the city suspended permits for peddlers and solicitors. That is still in effect. You should not see anyone coming to your door selling anything legally.

However, since we are in phase 4 of the DPH Restore Illinois Program, we our legally bound to resume issuing permits soon. After the city council meeting on August 4th permits will resume to be issued with additional COVID-19 restrictions. Our city clerk is in the process of creating those restrictions which will include wearing masks, keeping a safe distance from a doorway, etc..

I understand the reluctance for our residents to engage face-to-face with solicitors during this time. No soliciting signs are available at local hardware stores and will be available to download soon from the city website.

Strict adherence to all the rules governing solicitation is important and we ask that any violation or potential violation be reported to the clerk’s office. The phone number to report violations is 630 256-3070. Once the list of new rules is created, it will be displayed on the city’s website.

Orchard Valley New Menu

Friday night, July 24th, from 6-8pm Orchard Valley Golf will be featuring their new Smokehouse menu on the patio! Rumor is the food on the new is very good!

There will also be live music featuring Jake Mack. Sounds like a fun time!

Illinois Phase 4


There is a continued decline in the rate of infection in new COVID-19 cases. Hospitals have capacity and can quickly adapt for a surge of new cases in their communities. Additional measures can be carefully lifted allowing for schools and child care programs to reopen with social distancing policies in place. Restaurants can open with limited capacity and following strict public health procedures, including personal protective equipment for employees. Gatherings with 50 people or fewer will be permitted. Testing is widely available, and tracing is commonplace. Read more.

Illinois Phase 4 starts today!

Picnic in the Park Postponed

OVHA’s annual Picnic in the Park scheduled for June 6th has been postponed due to guidelines set forth by the state for COVID-19. Under Phase 3 of the reopening gatherings are limited to 10 people. Phase 4 increases to 50 people. Our picnic is the best attended function in excess of 100 attendees each year.

The OVHA Board of Directors does not want to cancel this event. The hope is to be able to put on later in the year. More information will be released when available.

Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members, management company staff and people we may come in contact with. We are asking all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and distance themselves from any close contact as recommended. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate into Phase 3 and work towards getting back to normal.

For more information on COVID-19:

OVHA Garage Sale Cancelled

Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members, management company staff and people we may come in contact with. We are taking precautions in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19 by cancelling this year’s OVHA sponsored Garage Sale scheduled for June 12th & 13th.

Illinois will enter Phase 3 of reopening on May 29th however it limits the number of people gathering to a maximum of 10 people. The Board of Directors voted to cancel to eliminate the opportunity of a gathering greater than 10 people. 

We are asking all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and distance themselves from any close contact as recommended. 

We appreciate your understanding as we navigate into Phase 3 and work towards getting back to normal.

For more information on COVID-19:

May OVHA Meeting Cancelled

Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members, management company staff. We are taking precautions in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19 by cancelling our monthly board meeting scheduled for this Thursday, May 21, 2020.

The Board of Directors will hold a remote executive session to discuss ARC submittals which have been submitted. Please be sure to turn in any ARC submissions by Tuesday May 19th to be reviewed by the Board of Directors for approval. Any matters at hand that need immediate attention will also be discussed. Regarding future meetings and events, we will continue to stay up to date on guidance from the CDC, state and local government health agencies.

We are asking all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and distance themselves from any close contact as recommended.

We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this very unusual situation.

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