Author: AMG Management (Page 13 of 23)

Summer Concerts, Parades, Events in Aurora Impacted by COVID-19

Large events like the Fourth of July fireworks held at RiverEdge Park in downtown Aurora have been canceled for this summer due to the COVID-19 crisis. 
AURORA, IL – The local impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will extend well into the summer and possibly longer.

Aurora Mayor Richard C. Irvin, joined by Aurora Civic Center Authority President and CEO Tim Rater, today announced the cancellation and postponement of many events planned for this summer in Aurora.

“As science demonstrates, large scale events are ideal environments to spread the COVID-19 virus throughout a community,” said Mayor Irvin during a media briefing. “So we, in collaboration with our community partners, have had to make difficult decisions while keeping public health as the top priority.” 

The City announced cancellations of large events scheduled for this summer, including the annual Fourth of July Parade and the evening fireworks staged at RiverEdge Park in downtown Aurora. 

“Both of these events bring together more than 40,000 spectators,” said Mayor Irvin. “We are planning unique, virtual ways to honor celebrations like Memorial Day and Independence Day.”

Also attracting large crowds to downtown Aurora is the annual summer concert series at RiverEdge Park, which has been called off for the season. 

“We’ve come to the determination, given the challenges that go along with COVID-19 and the recent capacity restrictions mandated by the state,” said Rater. “We simply can’t do our 2020 Summer Concert Series while ensuring the health and safety of everyone at RiverEdge Park. Rest assured, music will fill the air next season.”

Most of the scheduled concerts have already been rescheduled for next year. Previously purchased tickets are automatically transferred to the rescheduled dates. Ticket holders can also request a credit, a refund, or to donate their purchase.

Other parades and festivals, such as the Aurora Pride Parade and the Puerto Rican Heritage Festival, have also already been canceled or postponed by organizers; and popular events like First Fridays have transitioned to a virtual platform the past two months and will do so again in June. 

The Fox Valley Park District announced yesterday both community swimming pools – the Phillips Park Aquatics Center and the Splash Country Water Park – will not open for the summer season as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. The City’s Aquatic Administrative Board agreed to refund more than 200 season pool passes that have already been purchased.

One summer tradition which will continue – albeit with a revised structure and new guidelines – is the Aurora Farmers Market. 

Mayor Irvin announced the popular market will continue to operate its Saturday schedule, but not open the midweek market on Wednesdays this season. Only farmers and food vendors will be onsite at Water Street Square in downtown Aurora and new procedures will reinforce social distance measures between vendors and patrons. Much like visiting a grocery store, everyone will be required to wear face coverings while visiting the revised ‘in-and-out’ market opening on Saturday, June 27. 

“While the market may look different, it will allow our residents to still obtain fresh fruits and vegetables while supporting local businesses and area farmers,” said Mayor Irvin. “It is a sign of some of the normalcy we hope to get back to fully in the future.”

Flag Posting Program

Hello Orchard Valley Residents.

American flags will be flying once again in our subdivision thanks to Troop 11 Scouts and their patriotic sponsors. The boys would be honored to include your home on its route beginning in May.

Please let me know If you would like to subscribe to the service where we post a US flag in front of your house from roughly 7am until 7 pm on the following holidays: Memorial Day (5/25), Flag Day (6/14), Independence Day (7/4), and Labor Day (9/7). We do all the work and all you have to do is watch and enjoy. The service is only $25 for the year.

This is our only fundraiser. We were able to buy camping equipment with the funds last year.

If you are interested, click on the link below and follow the steps to purchase. Please do this by April 30th. All contact information will be confidential and used for posting/collecting flags only. This is the easiest and safest way during this time. Also, reply to this message so I can double check that you were included.

***Click Here***

*PLEASE NOTE* We really would prefer for you to use this link for payment, but if you would rather pay by check or cash, please reply to this post. Maybe we can work out something within the boundaries of this corona virus pandemic.

Thank you for your generosity and patriotism.

Sincerely, Erik Longo

Orchard Valley Resident

Blackhawk Scout Troop 11


Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members, management company staff. We are taking precautions in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19 by cancelling our monthly board meeting scheduled for this Thursday, April 16, 2020.

The Board of Directors will hold a remote executive session to discuss ARC submittals which have been submitted and any matters at hand that need immediate attention. Regarding future meetings and events, we will continue to stay up to date on guidance from the CDC, state and local government health agencies.

We are asking all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and distance themselves from any close contact as recommended.

We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this very unusual situation.

Free Spring Yard Waste Collection Begins Next Week

Begins Monday April 6th
AURORA, IL – Spring yard waste collection in Aurora begins on Monday, April 6 and will run for two weeks. The collection of bundled brush begins on the same day and runs through early November.

Yard Waste Collection for Two Weeks
The Spring Yard Waste Collection program runs from Monday, April 6 through Friday, April 17. During these two weeks, residents do not have to use waste stickers to dispose of yard waste. Yard waste must be placed in a 30-gallon recyclable paper bag and not exceed 60 pounds. Yard waste mixed with garbage or yard waste in a garbage can or plastic bag will not be collected. Beginning Monday, April 20, a waste sticker, which is the same one used for excess garbage, must be attached to the bag. 

Bundled Brush Collection through Early November The Bundled Brush Collection program also begins on Monday, April 6 and runs through Friday, November 6. No waste stickers are required for this collection. Branches and limbs that are ½ inch to 4 inches in diameter and 2 to 4 feet in length must be bundled and tied. The bundled brush should be placed at the curb in neat, manageable piles with the cut side of the limbs facing the street. Branches and limbs that are less than ½ inch in diameter are considered yard waste. Brush that is not bundled and tied will not be collected. In addition, brush resulting from commercial tree trimming, which should be removed by the contractor, will also not be collected. 

Collection on Regular Garbage Day
Both yard waste and bundled brush collection will take place on the regular garbage collection day and should be placed at the curb by 6 a.m. that morning.

Spring Fling Cancelled

Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members, management company staff and people we may come in contact with. We are taking precautions in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19 by cancelling this year’s Spring Fling scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2020.

The Board of Directors voted to cancel based on the uncertainty of the Coronavirus. The recent outbreak affecting the Aurora area has also come into consideration. Currently Orchard Valley is closed and even if Illinois goes back to normal April 8th there is no guarantee of how contagious COVID-19 may still be.

We are asking all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and distance themselves from any close contact as recommended.

We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this very unusual situation.

A Message from our Mayor

Today, Governor JB Pritzker issued a ‘Stay at Home’ Order. To be clear, this is not a lockdown.

“For the vast majority of you already taking precautions, your lives will not change much,” said Governor Pritzker.

The Order begins at 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 21 and is effective through April 7.

During the Stay at Home Order, you can still:
• Shop at the grocery store
• Pick-up food from restaurants
• Go to medical visits and pick up medication
• Get Gas
• Take a jog, a hike, a run
• Walk your dogs
• Spend time with your family in the yard – in groups of 10 or less
• Go to work if work at an essential business. The Governor mandated all non-essential businesses must stop operations as of Saturday, March 21 at 5 p.m. We’ll provide a list of those categories when it is provided by the Governor’s Office.


Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members and management company staff. We are taking precautions in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19 by cancelling our monthly board meeting scheduled for this Thursday, March 19, 2020. 

The Board of Directors will hold a remote executive session to discuss ARC submittals which have been submitted and any matters at hand that need immediate attention. Regarding future meetings and events, we will continue to stay up to date on guidance from the CDC, state and local government health agencies.

We are asking all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and distance themselves from any close contact as recommended. 

We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this very unusual situation.

City of Aurora

Customer Service Call Center

A great way to get information and make service requests is through the City of Aurora’s Customer Service Call Center. 630.256.4636

Here are a few examples of the information and services available: *Zoning violations *Abandoned vehicles *Overgrown grass/weeds *Garbage, trash or debris *Unsafe structures *Street maintenance and repairs such as streetlight outages and damaged street signs *Notary *City of Aurora, county, state and federal services *Ideas for improving your neighborhood *Crime prevention information *Planning and conducting neighborhood improvement projects *Support and assistance to neighborhood and business associations * Water bill payments

For police emergencies call 911, for non-emergencies call 630.256.5000

Aurora Snow Team Update

The Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is not responsible for plowing our streets. All roads within the subdivision are controlled by the City of Aurora with regards to snow removal.

From the City:
Various weather forecast models are calling for two to five inches of snow between tonight and tomorrow.
The full Aurora Snow Team was dispatched at 3:30 p.m. to cover all 36 routes. Crews are salting the primary roadways completely at this time. After rush hour, they will continue to monitor the primaries with a goal of then completing a modified process on residentials, depending on the rate and accumulation of snow.
The snow team will operate on rotation as necessary and prepare for what is expected to be another round of snow just before the morning commute. Crews will re-salt and plow the primary roadways before the morning rush hour, but depending on the snow rate they still may not be bare pavement. Drivers must exercise caution.
At the end of the event, contractors will join the team to focus on residential roadways.
* * * IMPORTANT REMINDER: Aurora’s Snow Parking Ordinance prohibits parking on any street or alley during or after a snowfall of 2 inches or more until the street has been plowed. Parked cars may be ticketed and towed.

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