December 15th at 6:30pm Dinner, 7:30pm Comedy Show at The Orchards Restaurant. For reservations call 630.907.0500 ext 4.

From Carl Franco – Due to the recent snow event, the free leaf pick-up program is extended through December 8th.
December 9th at The Orchards Restaurant from 9 – 11am. Reservations are required so RSVP to 630.423.6326 before December 4th. Walk-ins will not be admitted.
FOOD DRIVE- In the spirit of giving this Holiday Season, the OVHA Board request those attending bring a donation of canned or dried foods which will be donated to a local Food Pantry.
Fall has arrived and Aurora residents will once again be able to dispose of their leaves for free as part of the City of Aurora’s Annual Leaf Collection Program. The free Fall Leaf Collection Program begins on Monday, October 16 and ends on Friday, December 1.
Leaves must be put into a 30-gallon paper yard waste bag and placed at the curb on the regular garbage pick up day by 6 a.m. No waste sticker is needed.
YARD WASTE – Yard waste collection will also take place through Friday, December 8 as well. On the regular garbage pickup day, yard wasted must be placed in 30-gallon paper yard waste bag not to exceed 50 pounds. Each bag must have a waste sticker attached. The stickers used for yard waste are the same as the stickers used for excess garbage. Yard waste mixed with trash, in a trash can or plastic bag will not be collected.
BUNDLED BRUSH – Residents are also being reminded that brush must be bundled for collection. Unlimited bundled brush collection is in process and will end on Friday, November 3. Branches and limbs 1/2 inch to 4 inches in diameter and 2 to 4 feet in length must be bundled. Each bundle must weigh less than 50 pounds. Bundled brush does not need a waste sticker. Brush less that 1/2 inch in diameter is considered yard waste and must be packaged as previously described.
The City of Aurora is hosting a free Electronics Recycling Drive-Thru on Saturday, September 30 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Bednarcik Junior High School, 3025 Eola Road, Aurora.
All items are free to recycle, including televisions, but REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Due to the high demand for service:
• The event is open to the first registered 2,500 Aurora residents only. ID is required.
• Each vehicle is limited to two screens – either television OR computer screen – but can have an unlimited number of other electronics.
• No businesses will be allowed to drop off electronics.
• Only approved household items and electronics will be accepted.
The following electronics WILL be accepted: cables, cable boxes, cameras, cash registers, cell phones, copiers, cords, DVD players, fax machines, keyboards, laptops, printers, print cartridges, projectors, radios, satellite dishes, stereos, typewriters, VCRs and video games;
The following household items WILL be accepted: blenders, bread makers, carpet sweepers, coffee makers, clocks, curling irons, electric knives, electric toothbrushes, fans, fryers, hair cutters, hairdryers, heaters, holiday lights, irons, landline phones, metal tools, mixers, remotes, shaving equipment, toaster ovens, and vacuum cleaners (without bags).
The following items WILL NOT be accepted: large appliances (refrigerators, dishwashers, stoves, washers, dryers), batteries of any type, air conditioners, ballasts, bare CRT tubes, capacitors, carbon monoxide detectors, dehumidifiers, light bulbs, liquids, microwaves, salvaged units, smoke detectors, VHS cassette tapes, wood speakers and and medical equipment (any material that is considered or has come in contact with biohazard or radioactive material).
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