OVHA’s annual Picnic in the Park scheduled for June 6th has been postponed due to guidelines set forth by the state for COVID-19. Under Phase 3 of the reopening gatherings are limited to 10 people. Phase 4 increases to 50 people. Our picnic is the best attended function in excess of 100 attendees each year.

The OVHA Board of Directors does not want to cancel this event. The hope is to be able to put on later in the year. More information will be released when available.

Orchard Valley Homeowners Association is committed to the health and safety of all our residents, board members, management company staff and people we may come in contact with. We are asking all residents to follow the Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and distance themselves from any close contact as recommended. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate into Phase 3 and work towards getting back to normal.

For more information on COVID-19: